Clinically Proven to Reduce Scarring

Improscar Stick is a clinically proven scar reduction product developed by Swedish Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeon. It works by enhancing the body’s natural healing process and prevents scarring. It works by simply applying the product topically over the scar.

Case Studies

68-Year Old Male with Deep Puncturing Wound​

Patient presented with deep puncturing wound as a result of a fall requiring 3 stitches. Improscar Stick was applied on the wound for a total of 6-weeks after the removal of the stitches. Patient showed good healing with little evidence of scarring at week 4 (shown in image below).  After 6 weeks, no visible evidence of scarring was observed.

Scar at Day 0 prior to Application of Improscar Stick
Scar at Week 4 after Application of Improscar Stick
Scar at Week 6 after Application of Improscar Stick

4 Year Old Infant with Sharp Trauma to the head

Patient presented with deep puncturing wound as a result of a fall. Wound was deep and required cleaning. Wound was held together with adhesive. Improscar Stick was applied on the wound for a total of 12-weeks after the removal of the stitches. Patient showed good healing with little evidence of scarring at week 16. There was very little scarring observed after week 12.

Case Study: Adult Post OP

Patient underwent surgery needing a tracheotomy. Following the procedure, site of operation was treated using Improscar Stick. Treatment was  monitored for a duration of 4.5 month. During the monitoring, there was a visible reduction in scarring. Scarring was barely visible and blended with folding of the skin at 4.5 months.